Fraud Protection

When deployed across our integrated online banking and bill payment infrastructure, Alliance Bank Insurance Fraud Protection tools provide a single, interlocking barrier, making it possible to monitor fraud, gather and analyze intelligence, and react to challenges with unprecedented speed and effectiveness.

FFIEC 2011 Guidance
On June 28, 2011, the FFIEC published a supplement to their 2005 "Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment" guidance.

In response to this supplemental guidance, Alliance Bank Insurance will develop and deploy integrated, enhanced security offerings into our online banking and bill payment solutions. Our goal is to make conformance with the guidance as seamless and simple as possible for you and your end-users.

Alliance Bank Insurance was one of the first providers to successfully meet the FFIEC's original 2005 authentication guidance and we are taking the same level of care and urgency in addressing the supplemental guidance.

Our enhanced security offerings will allow your Financial Institution to offer an anti-fraud program that conforms with the FFIEC guidance, and will also allow you to provide your end-users with peace of mind as they use your online service.